Digital Media: Interactive & Web Design


The following projects were created with Illustrator, Photoshop, Atom, HTML, CSS, and Javascript. These are some of the several interactive and video projects I have featured on my webzine, Alien WebMD. Mansplain Generator was additionally featured at Maker Faire 2018.

Mansplaining is a concept that speaks to a commonly felt experience: male arrogance toward women about knowledge.

Your search questions: add to the anonymous database!

Explore the page with clicks and hovers, and scroll down for a tarot spread about our society, as told through today’s vernacular, memes.

The doctor is in! Take this quiz to find out what’s plaguing you.

Web Design

I designed the Zooming Party in honor of my dad’s fractal project, which involves 9 “mother” fractals that have been zoomed into, resulting in 3 generations of iterations. To create this site, I used Illustrator, Atom, HTML, CSS, and Javascript.


You're Invited!: An Interactive Dining Experience


2D Media: Paintings & Prints